
Maintains a perfect body figure naturally.


It increases antioxidant capacity and protects against oxidative stress of the body cells, It strengthens digestion and supports proper body weight, it enhances circulation and smoothens the way for Act energy, healthy looking body skin and improves cholesterol level and controls blood sugar while balancing BMI.


1 Nagarmotha Cyperus rotundus Rhizome
2 Shunthi Zingiber officinale Rhizome
3 Haritaki Churna Chebulic myrobalan Fruit
4 Vaividang Embelia ribes Fruit
5 Pipal Ficus religiosa Bark
6 Kali jeeri Centratherum Anthelminticum Seed
7 Chirayata Swertia chirayita Plant
8 Vilayti Imali Pithecellobium dulce Fruit
9 Marich Piper nigrum Fruit
10 Ras sindur Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
11 Shuddh Hartal Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
12 Lauh Bhasma Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
13 Navaka Guggul Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
14 Amruta guggul Classical Ayurvedic Medicine


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