
Regulates & maintain secretion of insulin in blood & mechanism of pancre.


Symptoms of diabetes conditions include type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, activate functions of pancreas to produce and proper secretion of insulin hormone and release in blood, detoxthe presence of ketones also helps in prediabetes and gestational diabetes etc.


01 Amlaki rasayan Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
02 Karela Momordia charantia Fruit
03 Chhoti pippal Ficus religiosa Bark
04 Chirayata Swertia chirayita Plant
05 Gudmar Gymnema sylvestre Leaf, Root
06 Methi Trigonella foenum-graecum Seed
07 Sadabahaar Lochnera rosea Flower
08 Jamun Syzygium cumini Seed
09 Ras sindur Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
10 Trivang Bhasma Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
11 Vang bhasma Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
12 Abhrak Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
13 Yasad bhsma Classical Ayurvedic Medicine
14 Basant Kusumakar Classical Ayurvedic Medicine


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